Tender for sorting stations for Saku rural municipality

We provide our clients with services and products that make it easier for them to take care of themselves and others. But people are not the only thing that needs looking after in this world. It is also important to respect the environment and to do our best to treat it sustainably. Easy Star sees ecofriendliness as a given.

One way to help the environment is to sort your waste. It is a simple effort that everyone can do. In January 2024, we heard of an exciting project, the tender for sorting stations for Saku rural municipality. With this large order, we prepared and installed 56 sorting stations for the different institutions of Saku municipality. The stations were produced with the help of 3D printing company 3DKoda.

The input for the work, i.e. a reference for what the sorting stations should look like, was provided by the environmental specialist of Saku rural municipality. Their vision served as the basis of our work and we came up with additional solutions to make sure all the proposed illustrations could fit neatly into the stations. It was an exciting challenge for us. We felt we were contributing to something bigger throughout the whole process.

Our sorting stations differ in size and can be used by young people of all ages. Sorting stations were produced for various institutions in Saku rural municipality, such as the local youth centre, day care centre, sports centre and kindergartens. The kindergarten sets are particularly fun and educational with clever stickers that instruct you how to sort correctly.

By teaching children and young people to sort their waste properly, we encourage them to teach other members of their household. Children help us build a more environmentally friendly future. If you too would like carefully and skilfully designed solutions for your premises, contact us!

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