Lõvirahu Pargikodud (Vesipapi 6)

Most Tallinn residents are familiar with the saying: Tallinn is a city that will never be finished. There is even a mythical explanation for this – if construction in the city were ever to stop, the Elder from Lake Ülemiste would come and flood the entire settlement. Fortunately, there is no risk of this happening as there is a steady stream of new developments under construction in Tallinn. Lõvirahu Pargikodud is one such neighbourhood of apartment buildings.

We also contributed to the completion of the apartment building at Vesipapi 6, making sure that the people buying a new home in this green and peaceful area of Kristiine city district have a pleasant and functional interior design. We installed a LED circular mirror in the lobby of the new apartment building.

We joined forces with Astlanda Ehitus OÜ, the developer of the Lõvirahu apartment buildings, and mounted a large mirror with a 2.2 metre diameter on the wall in April 2024. The mirror was custom-made based on the ideas and drawings of an expert interior designer. We believe that working with other experts in their fields leads to quality results.

It was an exciting job because when installing LED lighting behind a mirror, it is important to keep in mind what purpose the light serves. You have to establish whether the task is to create an illumination effect or whether the LED solution has to actually illuminate the room. Depending on the objective, it is necessary to determine the distance of the light bar from the edge of the mirror.

For the mirror at Vesipapi 6, the LED solution also needed to provide light, not just glow. Working with an interior designer, we found that the best solution was to keep the light bar approximately 8-10 centimetres from the outer edge of the mirror to create the desired effect.

The mirror was accompanied by a shelf supplied by another partner. Now, all residents of Vesipapi 6 can give themselves one final look-over before leaving the building. If you too would like carefully and skilfully designed solutions for your premises, contact us!

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